Caring for the planet
and investing in
the future

Caring for the planet
and investing in
the future

About our

The global garbage problem is a big pain for the planet and a great opportunity for the development of a large-scale business.

Public company "Clean Planet Corporation" PLC registered in the " Astana International Financial Centre" (AIFC), introduces innovative solutions in the field of waste processing, which results in 100% waste recycling, without incineration, without harm to the environment, and without prior separate waste collection at home.
Legal name

Clean Planet Corporation, PLC.
Public company CPC Holding.


010000, Astana, Kazakhstan.
Astana International Financial Centre.


During processing, a useful product is formed in the form of synthesis gas and coke with a high carbon content. Synthesis gas is used to produce electricity, methanol, dimethyl ether, gasoline, etc. The gas undergoes deep purification from harmful impurities and ensures maximum environmental friendliness.


Old problems - New solutions!

Eco Energy Plant

The pilot project "Eco Energy Plant" with a processing capacity of 100,000 tons of MSW per year is planned to be implemented on the territory of the "TARAZ" Industrial Zone", which provides processing of up to 100% of MSW with the production of electricity, carbon black and foam glass granulate.
Open project

Business model CPC Holding

After the launch of the pilot project, it will strive for rapid scaling and growth of the company's "capitalization" by attracting investments for the construction of new efficient and profitable next-generation projects. Implement a sustainable development model and digital control for business transparency.

Our mission
The ultimate goal of CPC Holding is to create a sustainable future for our planet and its inhabitants.
We strive to do this by developing and implementing innovative technologies that will allow us to use resources efficiently and minimize the negative impact on the environment.
We believe that our work can have a significant impact on the environmental issues facing the world, and we are ready to continue to work towards this goal.
Our Vision
Take at least 10% of the global market share by 2050 and recycle more than 300 million tons of waste annually around the world.
Our goals

Build a company with a market capitalization of $1 billion over the next 7-8 years, with access to an IPO.
Then $10 billion over 15 years, and more than $100 billion over the next 25-30 years.
The implementation of projects will be carried out by attracting long-term borrowed / credit funds, issuing green bonds, as well as partial provision of own funds from the sale of common / preferred shares of the company.

The concept and final product will depend on the geography and location of the project
Production of gas, electricity, methanol, dimethyl ether, diesel fuel, gasoline, cryptocurrency mining, greenhouses, production of building materials, integration into the energy system of manufacturing enterprises as a separate power unit, etc.

Blockchain - transparency for business
The whole process, from the acceptance of waste for recycling to the release of the final product, will be displayed in numbers on the blockchain platform in real time.
Investors will be able to see how the volume of recycled waste and the release of useful products obtained as a result of processing are growing. This will give maximum transparency to the business, and will contribute to the stable growth of the shares in the long term.

Protection of intellectual property rights
The technology and method of processing organic waste declared by the company are patented in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, with the protection of intellectual property rights for a period of 20 years.
The invention relates to the field of environmental protection.
The patent is accepted on the balance sheet as the authorized capital of the company.
Patent for invention No. 36008 dated November 17, 2021.F23G 7/00 (2006.01), F23G 5/00 (2006.01), F23G 5/027 (2006.01), B09B 3/00.
The market value of the asset, confirmed by an independent appraisal company, is $5,386,961 (Five million three hundred eighty six thousand nine hundred sixty one) US dollars.